Entries by admin_oxnard


Aging due to tooth loss

Losing teeth makes you look older! Today, we live in a society that is looking for ways to reverse the signs of premature aging. We avoid the sun, we use different facial moisturizers, and we pay attention to our nutrition to reduce wrinkles. But did you know that your missing teeth can also cause signs […]


The role of teeth in beauty and self-confidence

Beauty comes with self-confidence. If we say that it is not difficult to have self-confidence when you are beautiful, it is true. A big reason is that people don’t bother you. When you are worried about something about your appearance, you will not feel comfortable with other people’s eyes on you. You think everyone is […]


Delayed eruption of permanent teeth

Permanent teeth Permanent teeth, the secondary set of teeth, include 32 teeth, which begin to grow from five to seven years of age and are completed at the age of 17 to 23 with the growth of third molars, or wisdom teeth. The first permanent tooth appears at the age of 6. A very important […]


Common treatments for crooked teeth

Metal braces Fixed metal braces include components such as brackets, bands, and flexible wires that connect to the teeth. These braces may be a better choice for someone with more complex dental problems. Sometimes, in addition to applying a fixed brace, a device called a headgear is also needed. Headgears are usually only used at […]


Diagnosis and treatment of hyperplasia

Gingival hyperplasia may occur due to physiological changes. Hormonal imbalance and some diseases such as leukemia can cause excessive growth of gums. The following diseases can also contribute to the enlargement of the gums: HIV diabetes Anemia Crohn’s disease lymphoma Lack of vitamins In this situation, gingival hyperplasia usually improves with the treatment of the […]


Delayed growth of permanent teeth

 Premature babies are usually smaller and have very limited calcium sources for bone growth. As the problems caused by it can be observed until the end of life, one of these problems is the delay in the growth of milk and permanent teeth.  the size of the child has an effect on the growth of […]


The right time to pull wisdom teeth

The advice of dentists is strictly not to take antibiotics for any pain and also not to consider any pain you feel in the back of your mouth as related to wisdom teeth. According to dentists, if you think that the pain you have is related to this tooth, you should definitely look for an […]


Management of large teeth with orthodontics

A large tooth can be the result of different tooth development during tooth formation. One of the most common reasons for the appearance of teeth larger than normal is the occurrence of dental fusion. This fusion may occur between the buds of two teeth, and as a result, one tooth is missing from the dental […]


Upper jaw

Front teeth in the upper jaw can have genetic causes and sometimes it is caused by bad habits such as thumb sucking. If this disorder is visible from childhood, the best time to treat it will be during childhood. By examining the position of the patient’s jaw and teeth, the orthodontist suggests one of the […]


Grinding teeth

Many parents sometimes notice their children’s teeth grinding while sleeping. However, because children’s teeth and jaws change and grow so quickly, it’s not usually a destructive habit that needs treatment, and in most children it goes away as they get older. The main causes of teeth grinding in children include the following: A feeling of […]