Entries by admin_oxnard


Sensitive Teeth & How to Fix Them

Nothing is better than a cup of hot tea in the morning or a glass of cold water on a hot day! Of course, if we do not feel pain in our mouth after drinking the first sip. The culprit of this pain is nothing but tooth sensitivity! What are the causes of tooth sensitivity? […]


Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath may change or come in different forms depending on the source and background of the bad breath. Some people may be overly concerned that their mouth smells bad when it is either very mild or there is no odor at all. On the other hand, there are those whose mouths smell bad, but […]


Pregnancy & Oral Health

Pregnancy causes many changes in the mother’s body, including changes in the mouth and teeth. Changing the amount of hormones makes the mouth more vulnerable to plaque and bacteria, two factors that make the gums sensitive during pregnancy. Tooth decay is more likely to occur during pregnancy, and like any other complication during pregnancy, what […]


Distance Between the Teeth

Diastema refers to a gap or open space between teeth. These gaps can form anywhere in the mouth. But sometimes they are visible between the two front teeth in the upper jaw. This condition affects both adults and children. In children, the gap between the teeth may disappear as soon as their permanent teeth erupt […]



Bruxism is a condition in which a patient involuntarily grinds or grinds their teeth. Over time, this can damage the patient’s teeth and may lead to jaw pain and headaches. This problem affects both adults and children. Bruxism is more common at night but can also occur during the day. People who have this problem […]


Aligning Crooked Teeth

A beautiful smile, in addition to increasing self-confidence, also has a positive effect on the quality of life and general health of the body. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a mesmerizing smile, but fortunately a beautiful smile can be acquired and there are many different ways to achieve a perfect and dreamy smile. We […]


All About Baby Teeth

When your baby is between 4 and 7 months old, expect to see signs of teething. The process of erupting teeth may cause him resentment and restlessness. To grow in place, baby teeth have to open the gums and come out, which can cause discomfort to the baby. Children usually start teething at 3 months […]


Gum Pain

The gums are a soft, fleshy tissue that supports and protects the teeth. Gum pain can be a sign of irritation, infection, or damage to the structure and tissue of the gums or teeth. This pain can often be a temporary symptom. But in some cases, a person with gum pain may want to see […]


Tooth Decay in Children

When tooth decay reaches the dentin, the teeth become sensitive and cause pain, especially when your child eats sugary or hot foods. As caries approach the tooth pulp, your baby may have a toothache. If the toothache is caused by sweet or hot foods, it will only last for a few seconds. As caries get […]


A Healthy Mouth for Every Life Stage

A healthy mouth is more important than you think. Consider what your mouth does every day. We use our mouths to eat, smile and talk, and so on. Poor oral health can affect all of these. Having a healthy mouth, teeth and gums has many benefits. The steps to achieving oral health are not difficult; […]