Sensitive Teeth & How to Fix Them

Nothing is better than a cup of hot tea in the morning or a glass of cold water on a hot day! Of course, if we do not feel pain in our mouth after drinking the first sip. The culprit of this pain is nothing but tooth sensitivity!

What are the causes of tooth sensitivity?

Each tooth is made of dentin, which is a tissue covered by enamel. If the enamel is destroyed or decayed and the dentin is exposed, the tooth will be in a position where we will feel pain.

Retraction of the gums due to heavy and unprincipled brushing can cause the dentin to appear. Other causes of allergies include tooth fractures, gnashing of teeth, acidic foods, excessive use of mouthwash, and more.

Enamel damage is irreparable. When enamel is damaged, there is no way back. So we can only prevent it.

The best advice for oral hygiene and prevention of allergies

Use soft-bristled toothbrushes and do not brush hard. And try to brush according to the correct principles.

Reduce or stop eating acidic foods and drinks, and if it is not possible to leave them, be sure to rinse your mouth with water after consuming them and wait at least half an hour and then brush.

Be careful not to grit your teeth or push your teeth too hard. You can use a mouth guard while sleeping.

Be sure to see a dentist every six months.

If you have severe allergies and mouth sores due to overuse of mouthwash, reduce the use of mouthwash. In addition, use a mouthwash for sensitive teeth.

Sometimes with all the care we take, but still one or more of our teeth become sensitive. In this case, it is best to see a dentist. Alternatively, you can use special toothpaste that prevents allergies and pain, as well as fluoride gel, which strengthens the enamel and reduces sensitivity.

Treatment of tooth sensitivity

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, see your dentist. He or she can diagnose one of the following factors in your toothache. Depending on environmental conditions, your dentist may recommend:

Toothpaste Reduces Sensitivity: After using this toothpaste several times, the pain associated with sensitive teeth disappears. There are many types of toothpaste available in pharmacies. Ask your dentist which product is most effective for you.

Fluoride: Your dentist may use fluoride for sensitive areas of the tooth, to strengthen the enamel, and to reduce pain. He or she may prescribe fluoride for home use at regular intervals.

Use of anesthetic dressings: Sometimes unprotected roots can be treated by placing and tying the dressing to the surfaces of sensitive parts of the root. Local anesthesia may be needed to perform this procedure.

Gum Transplant Surgery: If the root of your tooth has lost its gingival tissue, some of the gingival tissue can be removed and transplanted to the sensitive area due to gingival resorption. This method can treat unprotected roots and reduce allergies.

Root canal: If your tooth sensitivity causes severe and unbearable pain and other treatments do not work, your dentist may recommend root canal. A method used to treat dental nerve problems. This method is considered as the most successful technique to eliminate tooth sensitivity.

To prevent recurrence of tooth sensitivity, brush them twice a day with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste and floss daily. Use gentle strokes instead of heavy abrasions and avoid abrasive toothpaste. If you grind your teeth together, ask your dentist for a protector. Tooth decay can break teeth and cause allergies.

You need to be careful when eating and drinking acidic foods and beverages such as citrus carbonated beverages. All of these drinks can destroy some of the enamel over time. When you drink acidic drinks, use a straw to reduce contact with your teeth. After eating or drinking an acidic substance, drink water to regulate the acid levels in your mouth.

Bad breath may change or come in different forms depending on the source and background of the bad breath. Some people may be overly concerned that their mouth smells bad when it is either very mild or there is no odor at all. On the other hand, there are those whose mouths smell bad, but they do not notice it at all. Since it is not possible to detect bad breath on your own, you can ask a close friend if your mouth smells bad or not. When you are sure that your mouth smells bad, first check your health habits and try to change your lifestyle, brush your teeth and tongue after each meal, floss and try to drink more water.

See your dentist if your bad breath does not go away after all this work. If the source of the bad breath goes beyond oral problems or if there is a serious illness, the dentist will refer you to another doctor to determine the true cause of the problem.
The presence of food particles in the oral environment and the need to break them down increases the bacteria in the mouth and causes bad breath. Eating certain foods such as garlic, onions, spices, and pickles also contribute to bad breath, which enters the bloodstream after digestion and affects your breathing through the lungs.

Smoking itself creates an unpleasant odor in the mouth, and smokers’ breath usually gives off a foul odor that annoys others. Smokers also often develop gum disease, which is the source of bad breath.

If you do not brush or floss, leftover food particles will cause bad breath. On the other hand, usually a colorless and sticky mass (plaque) that forms on the teeth, if not brushed regularly, irritates the gums and gradually accumulates between the teeth and gums. On the other hand, your tongue will be a breeding ground for bacteria that cause bad breath. Prosthetic teeth, too, can become a breeding ground for bacteria, food retention, and odors if not cleaned regularly or properly.

Saliva kills particles that are the source of bad breath and helps keep the mouth clean. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, reduces the production of saliva and causes bad breath. Of course, as you know, dry mouth is normal during the night and at bedtime, and breathing in the morning smells bad, which is eliminated by rinsing the mouth. This is especially true for people who sleep with their mouths open. Chronic dry mouth is mostly due to a problem with the salivary glands or the presence of certain diseases.

Some medications are indirectly involved in causing bad breath because they cause dry mouth. Some drugs also have chemical interactions in the body that affect bad breath.

Bad breath may be caused by mouth sores after gum surgery or tooth extraction. It may be due to dental caries or to wounds and infections of the mouth and gums.
The best way to reduce bad breath and help prevent food cavities or to reduce the risk of gum disease is to maintain good oral hygiene. Depending on the cause of the problem, there are different treatments for bad breath. If your dentist suspects that the source of your bad breath is related to another complication or background of a disease, he or she will refer you to another doctor.

If the cause of bad breath is related to the oral environment or diseases related to the mouth and teeth, the dentist will take steps to help solve your problem.
To reduce or prevent bad breath, do the following:
Be sure to brush your teeth after all meals with fluoride toothpaste (at least two or three times a day), you can even prepare a toothbrush for your workplace so you can brush your mouth at mid-day meals. Toothpaste that has antibacterial properties reduce bad breath.

Flossing removes food particles and plaque left on the teeth and reduces bad breath.

Your tongue is where bacteria accumulate; so brushing your tongue can reduce bad breath. People who have so-called tongue-loading, such as smokers or those with dry mouth, have a more severe buildup of bacteria on their tongue and should use a tongue scraper to clean their tongue. You can use toothbrushes that have a special section for cleaning the tongue.

If you use dentures or dental plaque or have to use dental guards, be sure to clean them well before placing them and rinse them well after eating.

Avoid smoking to keep your mouth moist enough. Drink plenty of water instead of coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol, which can cause a dry mouth. To stimulate saliva secretion, chew sugar-free gum or suck diet candies. If your dry mouth is chronic or severe, see your doctor or dentist, who will help you with medication or artificial saliva preparation.

Pregnancy causes many changes in the mother’s body, including changes in the mouth and teeth. Changing the amount of hormones makes the mouth more vulnerable to plaque and bacteria, two factors that make the gums sensitive during pregnancy. Tooth decay is more likely to occur during pregnancy, and like any other complication during pregnancy, what affects the mother affects the fetus. That is why mothers should be more concerned about oral hygiene than ever before. Prevention of gum disease is also very important, because gum disease during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth or death of the baby. Some women are also concerned about the effect of face and mouth photography on the fetus. However, in specialized orthodontic clinics, there are special protective devices that are placed on a woman’s abdomen during radiography so that the fetus is not exposed to radiation.

The effects of pregnancy on oral health

Complications of pregnancy for the mouth and teeth include the following:

Gum Infection: This condition is more likely to occur in the second trimester of pregnancy. The gums become swollen and tender, and there may be some bleeding gums, especially when brushing and flossing.

Undiagnosed gum disease: Although pregnancy does not lead to gum disease, pregnancy exacerbates untreated gum disease.

Pregnancy tumors: Overgrowth of tissue in the gum area is usually seen in the second trimester. Doctors suspect that plaque buildup may be the cause of these noncancerous tumors. These appendages bleed easily and look like raspberries. Pregnancy tumors usually disappear after delivery.

Plaque formation and mass: Pregnancy makes mothers more prone to plaque formation, and plaque buildup, in turn, leads to gum disease. Hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, are the main cause of plaque buildup. Plaque buildup is not necessarily due to an increase in plaque in the mouth, but rather to the fact that the body cannot deal with plaque as easily and quickly as it used to. That is why oral hygiene is so important during pregnancy. If the plaque is not removed from the tooth, gum disease will develop, and if the mother already has gum disease but does not notice the disease because it is painless, this untreated complication will worsen during pregnancy. The dentist can remove plaque from the teeth by scaling so that the pregnant mother can go through the gum disease without enduring it.

Oral health in pregnancy

We advise pregnant women that whenever they visit the dentist during these nine months, be sure to inform the dentist that you are pregnant so that they can enjoy special treatments during pregnancy and the dentist must use more caution and care. If an x-ray of the tooth is needed for emergency reasons or to diagnose a dental problem, the dentist will take all necessary precautions to protect the mother and fetus. The dentist uses a lead apron and thyroid necklace to protect the abdomen, thyroid and other parts of the body.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy should be done with caution so that the baby is not harmed in the slightest in the mother’s womb. Therefore, dentists do not usually brush their teeth during pregnancy. However, if the tooth infection is severe and incurable and there is a possibility of the infection spreading, the dentist recommends tooth extraction. The dentist has a special program for tooth extraction in each trimester of pregnancy:

First trimester: Fetal organs are formed in the first trimester. As a result, if the mother is anxious and worried when pulling a tooth, the fetus will be very vulnerable to defects in the formation of vital organs. For this reason, dentists generally do not extract teeth in the first trimester.

Second trimester: The fetus is growing during this period, so dentists consider this period to be a good time to extract teeth and perform other dental treatments.

Third trimester: The expectant mother cannot easily lie on a dental chair for long periods of time. In addition, bleeding is more likely to occur during tooth extraction and may be dangerous for the mother.

Infected or decayed teeth need prompt treatment. Root canal denervation is one of the most common treatments for this condition, in which the pulp under the infected tooth is removed before the infection spreads to the periapical area. Because improper oral position may harm the fetus, denervation should be performed if necessary. Neurosurgery is often necessary therapy and benefits the mother and fetus. Complications are as likely to occur after denervation as in any other treatment, although denervation carries the least risk to both mother and fetus.

There is nothing wrong with starting an orthodontic treatment or continuing treatment during pregnancy. The mother should tell the orthodontist if she is pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Pregnant women sometimes gain weight and change the size of their face or mouth. In this case, the dentist performs a new molding of the mouth and teeth, then adjusts the invisible orthodontic plaque (Invisalign) and resizes it to make sure the orthodontic appliances are working properly. In addition, the time between orthodontic sessions is shortened to adjust metal orthodontic wires or lingual orthodontic appliances with changes in body weight.

The best way to take care of your mouth during pregnancy is like any other stage of life. Teeth should be brushed twice a day, flossed once and seen by a dentist regularly.

Brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day. Brushing three times a day helps fight plaque.

Floss between your teeth every day.

See your dentist for scaling and regular checkups.

Using an antimicrobial mouthwash helps remove plaque.

If you suffer from morning sickness and vomiting, rinse your mouth with a solution of a teaspoon of baking soda and water.

Eat healthy foods for the gums that contain nutrients such as calcium, B12 and vitamin C.

Diastema refers to a gap or open space between teeth. These gaps can form anywhere in the mouth. But sometimes they are visible between the two front teeth in the upper jaw. This condition affects both adults and children. In children, the gap between the teeth may disappear as soon as their permanent teeth erupt and grow.

The distance between some teeth is small and hardly noticeable, while some teeth may be too far apart and the space between them is easily visible. If you do not like the distance between your teeth and you have problems with it, you can get rid of these gaps with the help of orthodontic methods and treatments and achieve a wonderful smile and appearance for yourself.

What are the causes of gaps between teeth? Why do teeth separate?

Diastema has various causes and can lead to some problems. In some people, creating gaps between teeth depends on two main factors:

The size of the teeth

Size of jaw bones

But in general, when a person’s teeth are smaller than normal, there will definitely be a gap between the teeth. The size of your teeth and jawbone is determined by factors such as genetics. Therefore, diastema can be a genetic and familial condition.

In some cases, overgrowth of gingival tissue in the front of the jaw can cause large gaps between teeth. When this tissue returns to normal, the space between the teeth becomes empty.

Some bad habits may also cause gaps between the teeth. Children who suck their thumb may develop diastema. The nature of sucking is such that it puts pressure on the front teeth. Eventually, the teeth move forward and a considerable distance is created between them.

In older children and adults, diastema can be caused by incorrect swallowing reflexes. Normally, when swallowing food, the tongue should not put pressure on the teeth. But in some people, this wrong habit occurs frequently by mistake, which causes gaps and gaps between the front teeth. This bad habit may sound like a swallowing reaction, but it is harmful to the teeth and can even cause malocclusion.

Diastema can also be caused by periodontitis and gum disease. In this disease, the gums become inflamed and infected. If periodontitis is not treated, it can damage tooth tissue as well as gums.

Periodontitis can cause the tooth to loosen, fall out, and eventually create too much space between the teeth. Symptoms of gum disease include red and swollen gums, loose teeth, bleeding gums, and receding gums.

Treatment of diastema

Depending on the type and the main cause of the gap between the teeth, treatment of this problem may be necessary or there is no need for treatment. In many people, diastema is just a cosmetic problem and does not indicate a specific problem, such as a gum infection.

The use of orthodontic braces is a common method for treating and correcting diastoma. Braces have wires and brackets that press against the teeth to gently push them together and close the gap between the teeth. Different types of braces can easily solve this problem.

If you do not want to use orthodontic braces, you can talk to your orthodontist about other treatment options to fill the gap between the teeth.

Laminates or the use of dental bonding can be other options than braces to help close the gap and diastole. These methods use tooth-colored composites that can fill gaps or be placed on teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. This method is also very useful for covering permanent discoloration of teeth or cracking of tooth enamel.

If you have lost one of your teeth, you can use a dental bridge to fill in the gaps between your teeth.

If the tissue in your upper and front gums has grown too much and caused a gap between your front teeth, your dentist will help repair the diastole by removing the extra tissue. You may need braces to close gaps and large gaps completely.

If the dentist determines that the main cause of the gap between the teeth or their loosening is a gum infection, you should treat the gum infection before you consider closing the gap.

Treatments for gum disease vary. But it may involve removing plaque and tartar in the space between the teeth and gums. Serious gum disease or periodontitis may require gingival surgery for treatment. Surgery can also help regenerate gum tissue or damaged jaw bone.

Bruxism is a condition in which a patient involuntarily grinds or grinds their teeth. Over time, this can damage the patient’s teeth and may lead to jaw pain and headaches. This problem affects both adults and children. Bruxism is more common at night but can also occur during the day. People who have this problem usually do not realize that they are doing it.

This condition can have many causes but most often it happens due to stress or anxiety. It may be difficult to be careful not to grind your teeth anymore, but there are many ways to reduce it. Most people who have this problem use mouth guards at night.

80% of gnashing of teeth occurs at night. During sleep, the patient involuntarily and unconsciously grits his teeth together and puts pressure. Bruxism during sleep often occurs along with other sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea. Because these patients have trouble sleeping, they are usually tired.

If you find your spouse has bruxism, encourage him or her to see a dentist. The dentist examines the signs of wear on his teeth and takes the necessary measures to reduce dental damage.

Bruxism has many possible causes, but in some cases the cause is still unknown.

However, current medical knowledge points to the following factors:

Anxiety and stress (with increasing stress level, the severity of gnashing teeth worsens).

Dental occlusion (medically it is divided into obvious causes, aggravating factor or result of bruxism).

Psychosocial problems

Taking antidepressants

Taking medications such as ecstasy

Smoking (smokers experience these problems 5 times more often than other people).

Excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine

Sleep disorders

Tongue tie

Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease

Genetic causes cannot be ruled out. There seems to be a link between genetic factors and bruxism, but it has not yet been clearly proven. Of all these reasons, stress and anxiety are the most common. Approximately 70% of diagnosed cases are due to stress (work or school). Most people experience varying degrees of stress at different times in their lives. Often, when the stress level decreases, the problem of bruxism also disappears.

Symptoms of bruxism

Many people are unaware that they have gritted teeth at night. The most obvious symptom of this disease is the sound of scratching and pressure of the teeth on each other. This is an unpleasant sound that people around you notice.

But you cannot wait for the feedback of others to know that you must have this disease, so watch out for other symptoms of gnashing teeth. These symptoms include:

Muscle pain around the jaw and temporomandibular joint causes a feeling of tightness and the mouth does not open much.

Earache and tinnitus


Pain around the neck, cheeks, and shoulders

Sleep disturbance in such a way that you feel tired even though you think you have slept enough.

Excessive wear on the tooth surface that can lead to tooth sensitivity.

Lip fillings, crowns or other dentures

Cracked or broken teeth

Bleeding gums (especially at night)

Your dentist can check for signs of bruxism and damage to your teeth. If you are worried, tell them when you see a dentist.

Research has shown that 20% of children have symptoms of bruxism. However, the actual number may be higher than this figure, as the symptoms may not be noticed by parents. This problem is considered a sleep disorder so it can affect behavior due to sleep problems. For example, bruxism occurs on average 4 seconds or even up to 6 hours during the night. This makes the child tired and nervous the next morning.

Of course, it is sad for parents to hear the sound of children gnashing their teeth. This happens with the growth of deciduous teeth or permanent teeth. This problem should stop when the permanent teeth are complete. There seems to be a clear link between children’s bruxism and respiratory problems (due to airway obstruction). Some surgeries can solve these respiratory problems.

Anxiety and stress are also linked to this problem. Your child may be stressed due to a fight or incident during the day, so it is best to talk to him or her to find out what is bothering him or her. Do relaxing activities before bed to reduce her anxiety. Learn more about children’s oral health problems and what you can do to prevent them.

Treatment of bruxism
The initial course of treatment for this disease is usually to limit further damage. Then you should see a doctor and psychiatrist to find the causes.

Mouth protector for gritted teeth
Mouse Guard or Byte Guard
A regular mouth guard at night protects teeth against bruxism.

Most dentists recommend that patients use a toothpaste at night to protect their teeth. The denture creates a protective layer between the upper and lower jaws so the teeth no longer overlap and stops tooth wear.

A beautiful smile, in addition to increasing self-confidence, also has a positive effect on the quality of life and general health of the body. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a mesmerizing smile, but fortunately a beautiful smile can be acquired and there are many different ways to achieve a perfect and dreamy smile. We are all familiar with the oldest method of arranging teeth, the metal braces. Of course, today there are many other methods with the help of cosmetic dentistry to be used to beautify teeth and modify a unique smile design.

If you are looking for the right treatment to align your teeth, there are several ways to help you.

The use of orthodontic braces is an effective way to straighten and align teeth. With the help of orthodontics, the angle of the teeth can be corrected and the health of the teeth can be improved. Preventing tooth decay and better chewing of food are the reasons why it is important to arrange the teeth, which orthodontics allows. Teeth alignment with orthodontics works best for children, however, many adults also use orthodontics to correct defects in their teeth and jaws. Sometimes orthodontics requires extra teeth in the mouth, which must be done with the approval of your dentist.

Orthodontic braces usually consist of brackets and wires as well as braces that hold the wire in place. Brackets may be made of metal, ceramic, composite or a combination of these materials. The brace moves the teeth in the correct position by applying constant pressure. The brace must be used for at least one to two years for the brace to take effect.

Orthodontic braces have a brilliant history in correcting dental and jaw deformities.

The braces successfully align the teeth and keep the teeth straight for years.

Orthodontics is very effective for children because it guides the growing teeth to the correct position and angle.

Disadvantages of braces

High cost

Food particles get stuck between the wires and the brace is difficult to clean

The patient must thoroughly clean the teeth regularly or else wait for the teeth to decay.

Sometimes, after removing the brace, holes are seen on the tooth surface.

It may break the metal wire or cut the gums.

After the active orthodontic course, the retainer plate should be used for some time.

The most important weakness of the brace is its obviousness and ugliness, which embarrasses some patients.

Invisible orthodontics

Invisalign plaque is virtually invisible and is made of a thermoplastic material that is very similar to teeth. Invisible orthodontics is sometimes called whitening orthodontics. The patient should use invisible orthodontic plates for at least a year to keep the teeth in the desired position.

Invisible orthodontic benefits

Being almost invisible, those around you do not notice the presence of plaque on the teeth from a distance.

Very comfortable

Invisible orthodontic emergencies are less common, as there is no wire that can become dislocated or damage the gums.

Oral hygiene is easy during treatment; Because the patient can remove plaque from the mouth before brushing.

Because plaque can be removed, the patient can eat whatever he wants.

If the patient has perseverance and commitment and uses the plaque according to the specialist’s instructions, invisible orthodontics will fix the teeth well.

Invisible orthodontic weaknesses

Regularly removing plaque before eating and brushing is tedious.

If the patient does not use the plaque for 22 hours a day according to the specialist’s instructions, the teeth will not move.

Invisible orthodontics is more expensive than dental wiring and most orthodontic treatments.

Temporary speaking tongue tip: The patient experiences minor speech problems and speaking tongue tip at the beginning and until accustomed to invisible orthodontics.

Shaping and cutting teeth

Shaping and shaving teeth is usually very cheap, especially since there is almost no need for anesthesia. The cost of contouring is much lower than the cost of orthodontics.

Shaping and cutting teeth also contributes to the health of the teeth. By correcting the shape of the teeth, plaque and plaque will no longer accumulate between crooked and irregular teeth.


The dentist must shave off part of the enamel. As you know, enamel is the outer layer of tooth protection. In other words, after shaving tooth enamel, good oral hygiene should be observed to avoid problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.

When your baby is between 4 and 7 months old, expect to see signs of teething. The process of erupting teeth may cause him resentment and restlessness. To grow in place, baby teeth have to open the gums and come out, which can cause discomfort to the baby.

Children usually start teething at 3 months of age, but in some children the onset is delayed, starting at 12 to 14 months of age. In very rare cases, a baby may be born with baby teeth.
Awareness of the signs of teething helps you to take appropriate action if you see it in your baby.

Common Symptoms of Teething

When the process of teething begins in the early months of a baby’s life, first expect the front tooth to appear, and often from about 5 days before the tooth appears. Common symptoms of teething in infants include:

Increased bites

By biting a toy or even your fingers, the baby reduces the pressure pain he feels on his gums.

Increase in sucking rate

Like biting, sucking helps the baby feel less pain from the pressure on the gums when the teeth come out.

Decreased appetite

The child refuses to eat or drink because of pain in his mouth and teeth.

Increased cases of salivation

One of the common symptoms of tooth extraction is increased saliva and runny mouth.

Inflammation of the skin and pimples around the mouth

Excessive runny mouth causes itching, tenderness, and redness of the skin around the mouth, chin, and cheeks. As a result, it is important to keep an eye on your baby and clean the saliva that comes out of his mouth. Of course, be careful that too much cleaning of the face can cause the skin to wear out and damage its skin.

Swollen gums

Redness, swelling, and pain in the gums caused by the gums splitting and the teeth coming out is another symptom of tooth extraction.

Pull the corners

This may seem like an unusual sign of teething, but sometimes babies pull their ears to reduce the pain of their gums, or they may rub their chin and cheeks.

Bad sleep and insomnia

Discomfort caused by pain and swelling of the gums prevents the baby from sleeping comfortably during the day or during the day (snoozing).
bad temper

Do not be surprised if your child becomes sensitive and irritable. Gum injuries caused by a protruding tooth can cause discomfort and a bad mood. Try to distract the child by holding him or her in your arms and caressing him to calm him down.

Teething fever

In a child who is teething, it is possible that his body temperature will rise slightly, which is called teething fever. However, in cases of real fever (due to illness), the body temperature will be more than 38 degrees, which is a sign of illness or infection. Be sure to see a specialist if your child is restless and has a prolonged rise in body temperature, a temperature above 38 degrees or other symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms that are not a sign of teething

If your child has diarrhea, fever, or runny nose, do not consider these symptoms as symptoms of teething and do not ignore them, especially if these symptoms are observed for more than 24 hours.

Although many parents relate these symptoms directly to teething, there is no scientific evidence to support this. Experts in this field, especially the American Academy of Pediatrics, do not consider fever or diarrhea to be common symptoms of teething.

The reason why some children get diarrhea and fever during teething is that they often put various objects in their mouth and rub them on the gums to relieve gum pain. This can cause germs and contamination to enter his mouth and make him sick.

If you see a body temperature of more than 38 degrees Celsius with symptoms such as lethargy, anorexia, cough, vomiting and diarrhea in the child, be sure to see a pediatrician.

Cases such as tingling and prolonged excuses or the presence of pimples and skin irritations in the body are not considered as symptoms of tooth extraction and if observed, be sure to see a specialist.

The stages and timing of teething in each child are different. Do not worry too much if the teeth do not grow exactly according to the recommended schedule because each child has his own physical condition and growth.

If your baby’s teething is delayed or slow, but his bones, skin and hair are growing normally, there is no need to worry. But if your child is 18 months old and still has no signs of teething, talk to your doctor.

The gums are a soft, fleshy tissue that supports and protects the teeth. Gum pain can be a sign of irritation, infection, or damage to the structure and tissue of the gums or teeth. This pain can often be a temporary symptom. But in some cases, a person with gum pain may want to see a dentist to prevent more serious problems.

What causes gum pain?

This pain can start from a slight burning sensation or turn into severe and debilitating pain. Some possible causes of gum pain include:

Mouth sore or ulcers: Ulcers are small, painful sores that can form on the gums. Some of the causes of ulcers are:

Emotional stress

Injury in the mouth

Immune system disorders

Or other problems and diseases

Incisions or injuries

Food and objects that enter the mouth can sometimes cause minor cuts or damage and toothache. The person may also accidentally bite the gums, which can sometimes cause pain and bleeding.

Gum disease is also commonly known as gingivitis. It occurs when bacteria penetrate under the gums and cause inflammation and bleeding. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis or gum infection. People who smoke are more at risk for gum infection than non-smokers.

Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, especially during pregnancy, cause people to experience swelling, bleeding, and pain in the gums.

Improper flossing or brushing: Applying pressure or carelessness while brushing and flossing can sometimes cause bleeding and sore gums.

Sinusitis: A bacterial or viral infection in the sinuses can cause swelling in the sinus space. Some people with sinusitis usually experience toothache and toothache.

Dental abscess: A bacterial infection in the root of the tooth can cause an abscess (pus-filled sac). Tooth abscesses can lead to swollen gums and pain in them. Dental abscesses can also be serious and can spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, timely treatment and treatment of abscesses is very important.

Treatment of gingival pain depends on the underlying cause. For example, your dentist may recommend that you use professional brushing and cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from people with gum disease or inflammation. Patients may also use an antibacterial mouthwash such as chlorhexidine to kill excess and harmful bacteria in the mouth.

If a person has severe gum disease, the dentist may perform reconstructive surgery to repair part of the gum or jaw bone that was damaged as a result of the disease. Sometimes, surgical treatment can include bone and tissue grafts to stimulate the formation and repair of new, healthy tissue.

People with dental abscesses may need endodontic treatment. During this procedure, the dentist removes the infected pulp or soft tissue inside the tooth and abscess from the root and repairs and seals the damaged tooth.

Gum pain from sinusitis also usually subsides after the infection clears or disappears. For bacterial infections, your doctor may use antibiotics to treat it.

Prevention of gum pain

Having good oral hygiene can help prevent gum pain and other dental problems. To prevent this, consider the following:

Brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day

Floss once a day.

Try to use quality mouthwashes regularly.

See a dentist every 6 months, even if you are healthy and have no problems with your mouth and teeth

If you smoke, try to reduce and stop smoking. Quitting smoking can help improve gum health. Quitting smoking can increase blood flow to the gums, which can improve gum health and durability.

When should we see a dentist?

People with severe, chronic, or recurrent gum pain are advised to see a dental professional. A dentist can examine the gums, teeth, and mouth for signs of infection, tooth decay, and other dental conditions.

If you have gum pain with any of the following symptoms, you should see a dentist:

Bad breath that does not improve with brushing

Bleeding gums

Retraction of the gums

Loose teeth

Feeling pain when chewing

Redness of the gums

Sensitivity and irritability of teeth

There are many possible causes of gum pain. For example, conditions such as gum disease and inflammation, infection, abscesses, and ulcers can cause this pain. People with gum pain who are unable to find and find the cause of the pain should go to a specialized dental clinic. If left untreated, gum pain can eventually lead to problems such as tooth decay. Therefore, in case of such pain, it is better to see a dentist so they can evaluate you.

When tooth decay reaches the dentin, the teeth become sensitive and cause pain, especially when your child eats sugary or hot foods. As caries approach the tooth pulp, your baby may have a toothache. If the toothache is caused by sweet or hot foods, it will only last for a few seconds. As caries get closer to the dental pulp, the pain becomes more stable and it may be necessary to use pain relievers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen to control it. A decaying tooth is decaying, so it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible. If tooth decay is not treated, abscesses may occur.

What happens to tooth decay in children if not treated in time?

Toothache is a sign to see a dentist immediately. Toothache shows you that there is a problem in the body. If you do not take your child to the dentist, his condition may worsen and he may even lose a tooth. Prevention and treatment of pediatric tooth decay.

How can dentists help your child with tooth decay?

Dentists carefully examine all of your child’s teeth and may use X-rays to photograph them. Then, if caries are diagnosed, they can treat it by removing the damaged part of the tooth. After that, our dentist fills the hole with special materials.

In the early stages of caries, dentists glaze their teeth with a fluoride solution. This can prevent further damage.

If the caries are not very serious, the dentist will remove them and fill them with a special material. In some cases, the nerve that runs through the tooth is damaged. In this case, it is necessary for the dentist to perform root canal therapy or tooth denervation, during which the tooth nerve is removed and the tooth is filled and covered with special materials. If the tooth is severely decayed and cannot be repaired, tooth extraction may be necessary.

How can dentists protect your baby’s teeth from decay?

With the appearance of each of the main mill teeth, and if the tooth does not have any decay, special materials can be used to cover its surface and protect it from decay. These materials fill in the grooves and depressions in the tooth surface and make cleaning easier by smoothing the surface. Adults can also use this treatment if their teeth do not decay. Dentists will talk to you about whether this method is suitable for children. Children can also use fluoride glaze on their teeth to reduce the risk of caries, which is done twice a year.

What can parents do to prevent tooth decay in their child?

Oral health: The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth regularly as a last resort at night and at least once a day with fluoride toothpaste. Make sure your child brushes all surfaces of their teeth well. Using special toothbrushes and flossing, you can remove bacteria and food debris from the space between the teeth and where they attach to the gums. An ordinary toothbrush will not be able to clean these areas.

Chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after eating a meal can stimulate more saliva in your baby’s mouth and eliminate the effects of acids.

See your dentist regularly: See your dentist regularly. Eat less acidic and sugary foods and drinks. Avoid eating again between meals. These can reduce the risk of acid attacks on your baby’s teeth.

Dentists will teach your child which areas of their mouth to take the most care of. They also teach your child how to brush properly.

A healthy mouth is more important than you think. Consider what your mouth does every day. We use our mouths to eat, smile and talk, and so on.

Poor oral health can affect all of these. Having a healthy mouth, teeth and gums has many benefits.

The steps to achieving oral health are not difficult; but it needs discipline.

Here are some tips to help you take care of your mouth and teeth:

Babies and children: The baby’s first set of teeth is almost completely formed at birth. Initially, these teeth are hidden under the gums. Usually, the first teeth appear in 6-month-old infants. These teeth allow the baby to eat and speak well. In the mouth, the permanent growth of teeth gradually begins. Here are some tips for taking care of your child’s teeth and you can get advice from your dentist for your children’s teeth.

Clean your baby’s baby teeth every day. When the first teeth appear, gently clean them with a damp cloth. Use a baby toothbrush as the child gets older; Do not use a pacifier, as it can endanger oral health and affect tooth growth. Do not let the baby sleep with a bottle of milk. Because it affects the teeth and causes cavities in the teeth. Children under 2 years old should not use toothpaste. Use water instead. Teach your children how to brush their teeth properly and the importance of keeping their teeth clean. Be sure to brush their tongues as well. Also make sure they do not swallow toothpaste.

Take your children to the dentist regularly from the age of one. Encourage young children to eat low-sugar snacks such as fruits, cheese and vegetables. Do not give sticky sweets and chewing gum to the child.

Teenagers: Oral care for teens is less important for good breathing, a beautiful smile, and worm-eating. Brush your teeth and tongue with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day. Floss your teeth at least once a day.

See your dentist every 6 months for regular checkups and cleanings.

Adults: Proper oral care in adults can help prevent tooth loss, sore gums or other problems.

Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day and floss once a day.

Do not smoke.

Ask your doctor if the medications you are taking have side effects and could damage your teeth (for example, some medications may cause dry mouth).

Examine your mouth regularly and watch for sores that irritate the gums and teeth or cause other problems.

See your dentist every 6 months for regular checkups and scaling.